Welcome to DAHS

Hello! My name is Linda Rankus, and I teach Academic and Honors English 11 and Senior Capstone at DuBois Area High School.  I am also the adviser for the Yearbook staff. Please see the links at the top of the page for any information you may need.

If you need to contact me directly, the best way is through my email: lrankus@dubois.school

2023-24 Students in my classes should complete this form in class: https://forms.gle/YwkNWkmfeyugAJfv5

2023-24 Class scheduling survey: 


To order online, please go to: www.Inter-State.com/order and enter CODE: 80536SB

My 2023-24 School Schedule (Room A238):

Pd. 1: Academic English 11

Pd. 2: Library 

Pd. 3: Senior Capstone (Fall) / Prep (Spring)

Pd. 4: Prep (Fall) / Tutoring (Spring)

Pd. 5: Honors English 11

Pd. 6C: Lunch Coverage (Fall) / Senior Capstone (Spring)

Pd. 7: Academic English 11

Pd. 8: Yearbook I, II, III